J.C. will be blogging twice a month on all things North. We are happy to offer her this space as an independent writer, to express her ideas, and to engage our visitors in discussion about Inuit and the North.
Avataq is pleased to welcome J.C. Grey to its website. J.C. will be blogging twice a month on all things North. We are happy to offer her this space as an independent writer, to express her ideas, and to engage our visitors in discussion about Inuit and the North.
J.C. is a talented writer, and as a young Inuk from a small town in Nunavik, her work communicates a fresh perspective on Inuit and the arctic.
Part of Avataq’s mandate in publications is to encourage young Inuit to create and publish new works, and to express their ideas through writing. This blog is offered as a forum for young Nunavimmiut in particular to participate in thoughtful discussion on topics that concern them.
Please take a moment to read J.C.’s latest blog post. Comments and questions about J.C.’s postings can be submitted in the ‘comments’ section following each article. Please check back for future postings, and let your friends know about the blog with this link: http://www.avataq.qc.ca/en/Blog
Taqralik Partridge
Communications and Publications
Avataq Cultural Institute
Unfortunately the platform for this blog does not support the use of different types of syllabic characters, therefore all comments must be written in Roman letters. We are sorry for the inconvenience.