The land


KANGIQSUJUAQ means “very big bay.” Like Salluit, the village is surrounded by tall mountains that block the view. The seas are also similar to the ones in Salluit. The Inuit of Kangirsujuaq speak a very pure Inuktitut: they express themselves very well. They speak Inuktitut without loan words and are not afraid to pronounce real Inuit terms. The population numbers between 300 and 400.

Kangirsujuaq is surrounded by good hunting grounds for both marine mammals and land mammals. The Inuit of the area can pretty well hunt the animal of their choice. Some of the younger Kangirsujuaqmiut prefer hunting only seal; they delight the Elders by bringing them game, especially seal. The Elders of Kangirsujuaq are unusual because they don’t worry constantly about the young, even when young hunters go out alone and risk capsizing.

by Taamusi Qumaq (1992)

Kangiqsujuaq village

Kangiqsujuaq village