
The Elders of Nunavik charged the Archaeology Department of Avataq Cultural Institute with a mandate to identify, study, protect and preserve the archaeological heritage of Nunavik.

More specifically, the mandate is:

  • to promote and foster an interest in archaeology among Nunavimmiut, especially young people;
  • to sensitize the communities to the importance of archaeology and the protection of archaeological sites and ancient objects;
  • to build partnerships with scientific and educational institutions;
  • to safeguard archaeological sites affected by construction projects;
  • and to undertake and encourage research into the history of Nunavik and disseminate the results.


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Visite des aînés et des jeunes d’Inukjuak sur le site IbGk-3, été 2007

Elders and Youth from Inukjuak visiting IbGk-3 site, summer 2007

Inuit youth learning basic archaeological techniques, Ivujivik 2008, Nunavik

Inuit youth learning basic archaeological techniques, Ivujivik 2008, Nunavik


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Place names

“Toponyms known and used by Inuit within living memory must be recognized by the government and used on official maps in order to reaffirm their permanent cultural value.” Resolution of the Inuit Elders Conference, 1983.

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A small glossary

Test pits:
They are typically 50 x 50 cm or 1 x 1 m holes dug in order to identify signs of occupation and survey the site’s stratigraphy.

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